Monday, August 23, 2010

Life in a Southwestern Mountain Town #11 Maintenance

Well, we had a fabulous adventure traveling around Europe and the UK during the month of July. But now it is time to get back to the work of our normal, day-to-day lives in our small mountain town. After a couple of weeks of sluggish, jet-lagged readjustment, things are getting back on track. Even now though, there are two tracks - everyday life, and getting ready for our move to Sydney.

The girls are back at school, David is back in his office, and I am almost back at designing and sewing. We all had to readjust our brains from constant external stimulation to quiet, independent, self-directed, motivation. There is just not that much happening in a small town.

It is a beautiful time of year - thunder storms, wild sunflowers, near perfect temperatures, skunks and humming birds all around - but the suburban sprawl and car culture cuts into that beauty. I did take my daughters up the mountain to a beautiful vista and hike in the aspen trees and we were soothed by the knowledge that we live in this peaceful, beautiful place. We went to the local groovy, hipster cafe and reminded ourselves that not all Arizonans are fear driven, racist, gluttons (I saw a bumper sticker the other day on a big huge pickup that said "Earth First - we'll mine and clearcut the rest of the universe when we get done here".)

I love my friends and the good people I have met and I will miss them when I have moved away. But I am ready to start a new phase of my life. At lease I am emotionally ready. Logistically, I am not nearly ready.

I have been working on de-cluttering and organizing my stuff since last year! and I am still not done!! I am getting closer though. The goal is to have whatever we are not taking with us to Australia or whatever we won't need to live on for the next 6 months, gone by the first of September. We also have to have all repairs and maintenance done by then. There seems to be a short list of tasks, but it is always more work than anticipated. The paint touch ups, the weeding, the detailed cleaning, etc. all take more time and are more exhausting than I expect. Digging through and getting rid of things that have been saved for sentimental reasons is also emotionally exhausting.

Along with the household maintenance, we are taking care of health maintenance. We are making final dental, dermatological, and general health appointments. I had my annual gyno appointment last week and I had a mammogram and blood work today. I am always a little scared by these things but I have to do them and hope for the best.

The reward is cleanliness, order, beauty, new beginnings, strength (in building and body) and hopefully good health! I know it is worth it but it is still really hard.

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